Benefits of Yoga Before Going on Set | Crew Mama - Blog | Have you ever seen those posts on Instagram or Pinterest of people doing the nearly impossible yoga poses? Maybe you know somebody who does yoga for an hour every morning when they first wake up? Have you ever noticed how most of them are always in great moods or smiling all the time? That's because doing yoga, AND doing it first thing before heading onto set has plenty of benefits!
Anyone that works in the business knows how crazy a set can be. You need to be at your absolute highest energy upon arriving in order to do the best job possible. Yoga boosts your metabolism and energy, so that you can prepare for a long day ahead in front of the cameras. It helps you focus to be better prepared for when those cameras go live.
There’s nothing worse than showing up to set tired and fatigued. Not only will you not feel well, it could diminish your quality of work. Studies have shown that incorporating yoga into your daily routine could promote better sleep. At home, yoga helps you get into a better sleep pattern and even get better sleeping results.
The thought of heading to a hectic set in the morning is bound to cause a little panic. However, yoga is known for its ability to ease stress and promote relaxation. It is scientifically known to decrease the secretion of cortisol, which is the primary stress hormone. Doing a quick fifteen minute session of yoga before heading off to set can make a world of a difference!
So you’re getting ready to head onto set and spend the day dealing with heavy camera and audio equipment. No one’s body is ready to deal with that stress for a full day on set. Try doing a quick yoga session before hand, as it can be known to reduce chronic pain! Incorporating yoga into your daily routine could be extremely beneficial to those who suffer from chronic pain before they head to set. Yoga can be so helpful in improving your overall quality of life. If you don’t have the energy to wake up before work and make your way to the gym, try adding in 15 minutes of yoga before your day! You’ll start to see how much this helps you stay alert and awake on set. No need to make that last-minute run to Starbucks either, because you won't even need any caffeine after getting your yoga fix! Give yoga a try for a week and see how you feel after that week is done with!Need to book a video camera crew in your area? Give us a call today!